Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hi, my life is a joke.

So, hey, it's been a while. Let's chat, or actually I'll chat, you read.
So almost three months ago I landed a boyfriend, yippie. No, I do like him, but let's face it, I'm Allie Bobb I'm a fabulously well trained single gal, so this is all a new experience. There have been ups and downs, some wow that would be happening moments. Kinda like ohh i don't know, last night.
Setting: Fresh out of the library; in the quad.
Mindset: Chemistry mode.
Attitude: Yay! I get to see boyfriend.
So boyfriend meets me just outside of the library, and we start discussing our low key hangout, until I mention my roommate (from hell, actually from Tyler... about the same) is back. And boyfriend responds with "Ohhhh, I hate your roommate." And I of course am all "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry hang out in your room?" "No- my roommate (who happens to be my ex-i'm bored let's hangout buddy) and friends are over, and I know COD (call of duty) isn't your thing." So me being me I decide you know I'll give him the option of going back to play with them, I'm fine, I can do something else. Little did I know that he would actually take the option.... ok, cool.
Before leaving were chatted about our day and whatever other things couples talk about, and as he said goodbye he asked if I wanted the rest of his Dr. Pepper, I said no. Apparently no, no longer means no. So he threw it at me and I turn to run away, and BAM I run into the bike rack. Like I'm talking cartoon style, I fold over in half with my bag carrying me over and almost flipping me over. What does boyfriend do? Laugh. Doesn't help, laughs.

So yes, there you have it. A typical Monday night, included with a soul crushing "I didn't even know this happened in reality" moment.

I hope all enjoy this glimpse of my life, because someone should. :)